Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra

1000 Women in Horror (BearManor Media), Non-Fiction, 2020
Masks in Horror Cinema: Eyes Without Faces (University of Wales Press), Non-Fiction, 2019
BIO: Alexandra Heller-Nicholas is an Australian film critic, author, programmer and academic who specialises in cult, horror and exploitation cinema. She’s written eight books including Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study (McFarland, 2011), Found Footage Horror Films: Fear and the Appearance of Reality (McFarland, 2014), Masks and Horror Cinema: Eyes Without Faces (University of Wales Press, 2019), as well as books on individual films including The Hitcher (Arrow Books, 2018), Ms. 45 (Wallflower/Columbia University Press, 2017), and Suspiria (Auteur, 2015). She has co-edited books including ReFocus: The Films of Elaine May (University of Edinburgh Press, 2019), Cattet & Forzani (Queensland Film Festival, 2018) and Wonderland (Thames & Hudson, 2018), as well as writing more than 20 book chapters on subjects such as William Castle, Roberta Findlay, Jean Rollin, Dario Argento, Exorcist remakes, lesbian vampires, and evil children. Alexandra is an Adjunct Professor at Deakin University and holds a PhD in Screen Studies. She is a member of the Alliance of Women Film Journalists, on the Advisory Board for the Miskatonic Institute of Horror Studies, and is a programmer at Austin’s Fantastic Fest, the largest genre film festival in the United States.