Tuttle, Lisa

Lisa TuttleNominations:

The Dead Hours of Night (Valancourt Books), Fiction Collection, 2021

“Closet Dreams”, Short Fiction, 2007

BIO: Lisa Tuttle is the author of twelve novels and seven short story collections, most of which could be classified as belonging to the weirder reaches of fantasy and horror. She’s also written books for children, a graphic novel and non-fiction, and worked as a journalist and library assistant. Besides continuing to write short stories, her most recent books are historically set, supernaturally tinged mysteries featuring the detective partnership of Jesperson and Lane. The first two, The Curious Affair of the Somnambulist and the Psychic Thief and The Curious Affair of the Witch at Wayside Cross, are available in the U.K. from Jo Fletcher Books; the third book is on its way. Her works have been translated into other languages including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese.

Texan by birth and upbringing, Scottish by inclination and residence, she lives with her family on the west coast of Scotland.
